NCERT Learning Outcome
Suggested Assessment Framework
Competency Based Framework for Literacy
CBSE Learning Frameworks

NCERT has developed Learning outcomes in all the curriculum areas at the elementary and secondary stage, linking these with the curricular expectations and the pedagogical processes. The expected learning outcomes have been developed class-wise (from classes I to VIII) for subjects such as Environmental Studies, Science, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Hindi, English and Urdu.

This document lays the competencies for the CBSE Science Mathematics and English Reading curriculum in a progressive manner for classes 6-10. Aligned with NCERT Learning Outcomes, it has suggestive assessment objectives along with sample end of tests. The document provides the following :

  • Learning ladder which sets out the content for each class for each subject
  • Assessment objectives which set out the skills to be assessed and the proportion of marks
  • Assessment specification which sets out the guidance for test duration, number of marks, content coverage, question types, mark scheme approach and rubric requirements.
  • Example items that illustrate the types of items which can be used and how they can be grouped.

Developed by CBSE in collaboration with British Council and AlphaPlus.

Suggested Assessment Framework for CBSE science, mathematics and english for classes 6-10

This document sets out the approach that can be taken to the design of the assessment specifications for the CBSE end-of-class tests and outlines how the documents produced can be used by CBSE teachers to create tests that meet the demands of the relevant aspects of the NCERT and CBSE curriculum.

These documents focus on the PISA key competencies for various literacies and map them to the curriculum as well as the NCERT learning outcomes for classes 6-10 (Science, Mathematics and Reading). Practical examples for teaching and assessing across various content areas and competencies have been covered.

Developed by CBSE in collaboration with Sri Aurobindo Society and ACER

Framework for Scientific Literacy

Framework for Mathematic Literacy

Framework for Reading Literacy

The CBSE in collaboration with Azim Premji University has developed Learning Frameworks for classes IX-X.

These frameworks are comprehensive resources for teachers and include competencies, assessment frameworks, samples of pedagogical processes, blueprints, and assessment items and rubrics.

Learning Framework - Social Science

Learning Framework - Science

Learning Framework - Mathematics

Learning Framework - English

Learning Framework - Hindi

Learning Framework - Economics